This is the reconstructed face of the oldest human being discovered in Egypt

This is the reconstructed face of the oldest human being discovered in Egypt

The bones of this young man who lived in ancient Egypt 35,000 years ago were discovered in 1980 by a team of archaeologists at the site of Nazlet Khater 2 located in the Nile Valley. According to theStady Reported by Live Science, this man was between 17 and 29 years old and was about 1.60m tall.

In order to gather more information about this mysterious young man and better understand human evolution, Brazilian researchers attempted to reconstruct his face using dozens of digital images collected during the analysis of the remains. This process is known as Photogrammetry It allowed the experts to create two 3D models of the man.

A jaw much more powerful than that of a modern man

One of the features of the skull that caught the attention of the researchers, reports Live Science, the jaw was much stronger than that of modern men. Part of the skull was missing, but the team reproduced it using the other side of the skull and using data from the images in it CT scanner Virtual donors (a medical imaging technology to reconstruct 2D or 3D images of anatomical structures).

Approximate reconstruction

However, co-researcher and Brazilian graphic expert Cicero Moraes insisted that this was an approximate reconstruction: “ Generally, people think that face zoom works like in Hollywood movies, where the end result is 100% realistic. In fact, this is not entirely the case. What we do is an approximation of what a face might look like, with the available statistical data, and the resulting work is a very simple structure. […] However, it is always important to humanize one’s face when working with historical figures, because by complementing the structure with poetry and color, identification with the audience becomes greater, sparking interest and – who knows – a desire to learn more about the subject or archeology and history As a whole “.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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