Distrov. “What is science?” It will be the theme of the entertaining reception

Distrov.  “What is science?”  It will be the theme of the entertaining reception

The entertaining summer reception for children from 3 to 12 years old, organized by the Distroff municipality extracurriculars, takes place from Monday 10 to Friday 28 July.

These three weeks will revolve around the theme “What is science?” , with several areas of activity in the programme: anthroposophy in the first week, with a day in the body of water and the swimming pool in Bas-Hamm, astronomy in the second place with a night vigil and an excursion to the European Space Center in Brussels, closing the physical experiments with an excursion to Cité des Sciences in Luxembourg (ID required for travel abroad).

The reception will be on a weekly basis for four or five days. Children will arrive between 7:30am and 9am and leave between 5pm and 6:30pm. Siblings and various aids that families can deduct.

Recordings from June 12th

Registration is from 12 to 23 June for children of Distroff, Inglange and Budling via the family space, and from 19 to 23 June by phone for other municipalities, depending on places available.

Information: tel. 03 82 88 89 32, email [email protected]

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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