“Unbelievable”, “phenomenon” … With Paris Saint-Germain, he dazzled everyone

“Unbelievable”, “phenomenon” … With Paris Saint-Germain, he dazzled everyone

Football – Paris Saint-Germain

“Unbelievable”, “phenomenon” … With Paris Saint-Germain, he dazzled everyone

Posted on March 3, 2023 at 12:00

In 2021, among the stars recruited by Paris Saint-Germain such as Lionel Messi and Sergio Ramos, Nuno Mendes arrived at the capital’s club. Now the Portuguese is only 20 years old, but he already seems to be referring to his position when injuries leave him alone. His impressive performances, especially against Bayern Munich, earned him the praise of those who knew him.

Statistic showing significance Nuno Mendez At Paris Saint-Germain: His team has never lost in Ligue 1 when it started. The Portuguese left-back already possesses impressive range for his age: speed, pace, mentality… Those who knew him when he was younger remain in the top spot for analyzing the performance of PSG players.And Nuno Mendez.

“I find it very cool and appropriate”

Nuno Mendez trained in Sporting Portugal. his former coach, Lionel Pontes He conjures up his former player in columns Parisian :” He is really strong physically. Sometimes he still suffers from injuries, because Nuno has muscle speed. But I find it cool, pretty decent. In a team like PSG he attacks a lot, he always maintains the same strength. Attack and defend all the time! »

“It’s a phenomenon”

Former Portuguese international Costina (53 caps) also highlights ability Nuno Mendez To give everything in the field. If the 20-year-old’s enthusiasm impresses everyone Paris Saint-Germain , It seems that this character is innate in him: It’s a phenomenon. Since his first matches, it hasn’t been the man who has thrown the towel on the floor. He is also not afraid when he goes to play on a hot field and that was indeed the case when he played at the age of 17 or 18 for Sporting. mentions in Parisian.

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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