Sunbathing: Is it recommended for dogs and cats?

Sunbathing: Is it recommended for dogs and cats?

Given the benefits of sunbathing for our animals, it should not be completely banned but rather used in moderation.

In the days of spring and autumn, it is not a problem for a dog or cat to bask in the sun for long hours. The temperatures are not very high and the risk of heatstroke is almost non-existent.

However, in hot weather, it is out of the question to let your pet bask in the sun for a long time! They are guaranteed heatstroke due to the low likelihood of a dog or cat sweating and the complete lack of protection.

What are the recommendations and precautions to be taken?

  • fresh water is always available,
  • cooling mat
  • sunscreen (for dogs or cats with light coats, Mexican Hairless Dogs, and Sphynx),
  • shaded area on the balcony or in the garden to avoid prolonged exposure,
  • not to cut excessively the cover (it has a protective role for the skin),
  • In hot weather, it’s best to keep your dog indoors, especially for older dogs and sensitive breeds.

Yes, but in moderationLike for us!

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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