Enroll in Sciences Po Paris: the choice will remain difficult

Enroll in Sciences Po Paris: the choice will remain difficult

Until 2020, entry into Sciences-po Paris was only through a highly selective competition, which can be intimidating and discourage students from applying (Parisian Grande Ecole in the fields of humanities and social sciences: law, economics, history, sociology, politics and science). However, since 2021, the competition has been canceled and registration is only done via Parcoursup.

App facilitated by Parcoursup

The result: the number of orders doubled! 7583 in 2020 before the reform then 15,284 in 2021 and 11,951 verified desires in 2022 (ie +59% compared to 2020). At the end of the Parcoursup wish entry phase which ended on 8 April, Sciences Po was pleased with the attractiveness of its institution. The Bachelor’s degree (General Track and CEP Route) alone registered 9,227 undergraduate college applications (6,687 in 2020 and 12,735 in 2021). The double-eleven degrees accessible via Parcoursup attract 2,724 applications (896 in 2020, 2,572 in 2021).



Validated via Parcoursup

sciencespo.fr – April 2022

More applications are also a positive point for the social openness of the school and also the geographical opening of Sciences Po: all regions of France have candidates for the Bachelor of Sciences Po, with the 30 academies represented. The rate of high school scholarship holders among applicants remains 14% (12% in 2021).

Between 1100 and 1200 places available: Big disappointments on arrival

Each file will be evaluated by two independent examiners, who have been previously trained. “Last year we were a little surprised by the number of applications, so we took these elements into account, and we recruited more people for the administrative part. We have 800 examinees planned this year,” Institute of Sciences director Bo Matthias Fischerat told AFP. Original 20: School record, results obtained in the baccalaureate, personal writings, and finally oral (if the file is good enough).

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Candidates whose profile has obtained a mark of 60 equal to or above the mark specified by the Admissions Jury, will be invited to present themselves at Video conference. Interviews for Bachelor’s and Dual Degrees will take place from April 28 to June 1, 2022, with the exception of the week of May 9 to 13, 2022 during which the specialized written examinations for the General and Technological Baccalaureate will take place.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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