Dirty Movie, Macaroni, Rhinos, Flo and… Dicks: 5 Things To Know About Anima Festival 2023 (Videos)

Dirty Movie, Macaroni, Rhinos, Flo and… Dicks: 5 Things To Know About Anima Festival 2023 (Videos)

Dirty movie

Rule #3: Knor won’t be able to poop. The star of the children’s films for the 2023 version of the Anima is this little pig. It is presented to Babs on his ninth birthday. Despite the obvious Three Rules and extensive training, the Pig does not please parents very much. But maybe it’s even better: Grandpa will see him take part in the local sausage competition … “Pig’s Love” (6 +), the Dutch production of Masha Halberstad, is shown frame by frame, for the first time in French. An exhibition of puppets and sets from the film will be freely available during the festival. Her manager will be present.

Children’s selection includes 4 more previously unreleased: “Extra: Alan, Britney and the Spaceship” (8+), “The Lion and the Three Thieves” (5+), “Mud Devils” (7+) and a must-see Japanese movie “A Little Rich” of harmony” (+10). In conclusion, the whole family will treat themselves to a balloon ride to the North Pole with the explorer Roald Amundsen and … “Titina”, the first ice fox terrier.

In addition to a few covers, 9 age-accessible short programs, including 3 dedicated to young children (3+) and a collection of 13 3-minute films directed by young directors just out of school. Presumed subject matter: a visual embroidery on a poem by Baudelaire, Cendrar, La Fontaine or Maurice Careme.

In the long run for adults, it’s not (always) funny.

The opening film of Anima 2023 digs the growing vein of true stories, life stories, and animated documentaries. Nayola immerses himself in the Angolan war through the ages and the fates of three women. Its Portuguese director, José Miguel Ribeiro, will launch the festival with his powerful narrative as bombs wear and rap music takes to the streets.

My children discovered French at school. The first words they learned were…: spaghetti son of a bitch.” This quote from “Forbidden for Dogs and Italians” immediately sets the scene for Marseillais Alain Ughetto. The director returns to the fate of his family who crossed the Alps at the beginning of the 20th century. Picture after picture story will echo This is in Belgium, of course.It gets worse at a time when immigration is as suspicious of the Belgian population as its leaders.

bodies and dicks

Confronting the “male gaze”, the way of portraying the female body from a male point of view: a thorny task in a cultural world steeped in it. Taxing Anima for not making an effort would be cheeky because the Brussels festival doubles down on LGBT programming and openness to diversity. New evidence in 2023 with the new session “My Year of Dicks,” the nickname from one of the courts that comprise it. Programmers Dominique Seutin and Karin Vandenrydt comment, “Mastly produced by women, this selection speaks without false modesty of themes associated with love, the body, and motherhood.”

Also on the bill is a now traditional LGBTQIA+ selection which will include live on stage performances by burlesque artists from Mademoiselle cabaret (02/18).

Eviva Spain

The focus of Anima 2023 is Spain. Headlining the revival of the neglected and insane “Unicorn Wars,” a war between teddy bears and unicorns in a somewhat misleading kawaii design. Two short programs are presented by the Catalan festival Animac Lleida as many tapas to discover the talents of today’s Spanish animators. Also in the program are short films that are 100% abstract and others made by… children. first.

neon box

The 2023 poster was designed by Brussels youth illustration star Kitty Crowther. Fluorescent colors were used. It is impossible for the organization to spread such expensive ink everywhere in Brussels. Your little ones will still be able to bathe in black and dazzling colors at the “Neon Box,” a free exhibition held in Flagey throughout the festival.

Also on the program are: a selection of short films on the bike by Cyclo (21/02), a cinematic concert about the Chronicles of Melvile by the group Brussels author Romain Renard who will present a work-in-progress for the film adaptation. Comic Strip, Return of the Virtual Reality Festival, Concerts, “Drink and Draw” to create your own animation, Children’s Animation Courses, Decentralization in Wallonia (Charleroi, Liège, Mons, Namur, Avery, Marche en Famine, upcoming program) and Online on the Sooner platform… Not forgetting the very festive Nuit Animée, over 3 hours of crazy show on Saturday February 25th.

+ “anima’, February 17-26, 2023 at Flagey, complete the online program.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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