What is the salary of Felipe Quintes?

What is the salary of Felipe Quintes?

Who is Philip Quintes?

Philippe Quintess is a French footballer, born on December 30, 1967 (age 55) in Chartres (Eure-et-Loir). Nicknamed “Zidane of the iron ball” or “King Quintessential”, he is one of the best bowlers of all time. crowned world champion 14 times, Quintessence He is (along with his friend Philip Suchaud) the most successful player in the history of the discipline.

It was with Suchaud and Henri Lacroix that he formed Philip Quintes Dream Teama 5-time world champion team, including 3 consecutive times in 2001, 2002 and 2003. Individually, he won 4 world titles in accurate shooting between 2000 and 2003. Quintess also held the role of coach of the French team between 2004 and 2007, He led him to win the world title twice.

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How much does Philip Quintess earn?

Pétanque is a sport in which there is no professionalism, even the best bowlers in the world like Dylan Rocher (his salary will be found here) cannot live exclusively from their passions. Thus, the salary of a pétanque player is very volatile.

However, between winnings in tournaments, sponsors, and financial aid due to a “high-level athlete,” pétanque can become an interesting extra income for a good bowler. Especially if, like Quintais, his image is strong enough to play to. The latter is the manager Quintais distributionsand through its website.” Quintessential He sells competition balls (between 70 and 300 euros), as well as sportswear and bowling accessories. Quintais still has another cover, because it works for a travel agency.

If he hasn’t officially retired yet, Quintessentially took a step back with discipline. His pétanque practice barely brings him more money. Hence, the current salary of Philip Quintess is based on his income as an employee and business manager.

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  • annual : 36,000
  • monthly: 3000
  • Weekly: 700
  • Daily: 100

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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