Turci: Seniors, take care of your heart

Turci: Seniors, take care of your heart

This was the message of the conference delivered by doctors Jean-Paul Decaux and Bernard Lamy on Tuesday afternoon at C2 in front of 80 people. An audience made up of 99% of the elderly, of course.

By the way, at what age are you the oldest? In the sports field, they are between the ages of 18 and 36 for some sports. Then we enter the veterans category. It is usual to use the term senior when speaking of an elderly person, although the age of the elderly is not determined by geriatricians. The age of a person is considered to be from 60 to 65! Not everyone will be satisfied!
Jean Paul Decaux reminded us many times that we have our hearts for life. At birth, it weighs 20 grams and 15 times more in an adult. But the number of cells remains the same throughout life, hence the importance of protecting them. Dr. Deschus will then talk about the frightening numbers: 400 deaths per day in France, the leading cause of death in women of all ages and men over 65, heart disease 40,000 very worrying cases, and 25% of lost cardiovascular capacity in children over 40. years! From the age of 50, prevention becomes an emergency for healthy aging. Hence the importance of screening from this age, daily physical exercise and a healthy diet.

The topic that Dr. Bernard Lamy will then address “The Heart in Chinese Medicine” is in a different register, but the goal remains the same: to preserve your heart.
The main function of the heart in Chinese medicine is to supply the psychic, spiritual, and luminous shen energy that will nourish our consciousness throughout our lives. The region of the heart, is the place of reception of “heaven” in us, the man who connects between heaven and earth. Passion, anxiety, palpitations and insomnia are the symptoms that this preventive medicine knows how to take care of, thus avoiding the transition to more serious cardiovascular disorders.
Chinese medical proverb “What diseases fear most is a relaxed body and a peaceful and cheerful heart.”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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