This is the exact number of days it takes to fall (madly) in love, according to science

This is the exact number of days it takes to fall (madly) in love, according to science

In the face of love, everyone is different! If some people get attached very quickly and have a feeling fall in love In a jiffy (not always from the right person, by the way), for others the process is much longer.

However, a recent study was able to establish a mean time. led dating site adopt a manThis survey reveals the exact number of days it takes, on average, to even Falling madly in love…but also share SMS exchange it is necessary !

Couple: How long does it take to fall in love?

254 days for women

This study reveals that women fall in love faster than men. In fact, it would take an average of 254 days and 268 exchanged messages for a woman to truly fall in love with her partner.

276 days for men

On the men’s side, it takes 22 days and an additional 44 letters. In fact, the latter would need an average of 276 days and 312 exchanged messages to feel deep love for another.

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Despite scientific studies, the secret of love remains

Of course, other criteria must be taken into account. For some people, falling madly in love can take longer… less (a lot)! Anyway, this is proven by another study published in Journal of Sexual Medicine Who assures that the click in love will not take more than a second!

⅕ of a second is the time it takes for the brain to release “love hormones,” such as oxytocin, dopamine, adrenaline, vasopressin… These are what make us feel all the sensations we so easily associate with the famous “love at first scene”.

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So, 1/5th of a second, 254 or 276 days? Between deep love and sudden love at first sight, there is a noticeable difference. Despite all the studies it has been subjected to, it is clear that love has no real rules … However, these estimates allow us to better understand this mysterious feeling!

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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