Behind the scenes of “Parliament” the comedy that will save Europe

Behind the scenes of “Parliament” the comedy that will save Europe

Finally, a little relaxation. Reporters usually ask him about fishermen’s rights or the migration crisis, and Clement Bon You have to serve them with a whole series of repeating language elements in one form or another. But no, this evening the Secretary of State for European Affairs is “cool”, Coca Zero is on the table. He hardly asks me if I’ve had a vaccination. We come to see him to talk to him about him Parliament, a funny series that tells the scenes of European institutions. Likes. So he spoke to Emmanuel Macron. He appeared in the new season on France Télévisions. “Not much,” he said with a small actor’s smile, only two scenes. We are surprised. not him. He continues, “I said yes immediately.” It’s great, you have to watch this series! »

You have to pressure yourself to believe it. After years of quiet campaigning and a huge voter turnout, a group of writers seems to have found a way to get Europeans interested in Europe. Their secret: something in between TV the deskthe standard for desktop comedy, and vice president, an obvious political satire of the Vice President of the United States. ‘Unexpected success’ for every day El País. “A new light on Brussels”, the address of guardian. The playing field can be summed up in one sentence: a young parliamentary aide is seeking to pass an amendment to overfishing of sharks in community waters. He said like that, nothing to get excited about. But it does come on screen as a funny and powerful comedy about the real life of European democrats.

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It all started in 2013. Noah Debre Then he is the apprentice of a star screenwriter Thomas Bidgin. The 27-year-old is from Strasbourg, where he grew up not far from Parliament, amid member states’ flags, and just a few tram stops from Germany. He wants to write films, knows the films of the Coen brothers by heart, but is also interested in Europe, when his generation dreams of start-ups in California or trips to Thailand. Moreover, when France rejected the constitution in 2005, he did not understand. Just as it took him a while to appreciate his teacher’s jokes about the EU flag keychain he keeps with him as a childhood souvenir.

fins of discord

In 2013, he met the famous producer Fabien Servan Schreiberher husband, Henry WeberHe was then a member of the European Parliament. He also sometimes tells tales about life in Parliament and is surprised that no one cares … Current lanes and Noe has an idea: to speak about Europe well, he should write a comedy. But yes, of course, a series about Parliament, they are excited. to dig. The screenwriter talks about it again with production assistant, Lily Lambert (former screenwriter of season two). They share a taste for British satire, belong to the same post-Erasmus generation and make this observation: it’s been a decade since spanish hostel from Cedric ClapecheAnd no more multicultural comedy. He felt empty. They will hear the announcers. But yes, of course, a comedy about Europe … asserts “Nobody believed in it” Lily Lambert. or almost. A few months later, Canal + was seduced and agreed to offer the first money.

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The start of the trip. Noe and Lily go back and forth between Paris and Brussels, meet members of Parliament from all sides, and have coffee with their assistants. Everyone is happy to receive a young screenwriter who finally listens to them and asks them questions. They learn every day. Hello, Sweden’s Democrats are on the far right. One party called the Real Finns. At aperitif time, we gather in the foyer to nibble on bread or drink a Guinness. In short, he sees a huge tank of gags. He told himself that the more gray and complex the color, the more playful it was. So when he encounters a Article that provokes a ban Shark fin removalthis practice of capturing sharks to cut off their fins, he’s cheerful: That’s a good idea.

But basically, what do I say? Thinking of returning to the American series, a pattern emerges. To be fair, the string symbols should be reversed to the White House: Needless to describe again how idealism confronts the reality of the world, it is better to say how a disillusioned boy leaves himself far from the great utopia. “It’s an optimistic political vision,” says Noe Debre. A young assistant assures him of this vision: “Basically, I am quite skeptical of Europe, he trusts him, but after three years here, you end up enjoying it.”

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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