Best Wes Anderson movies

Best Wes Anderson movies

A retro world colored in pastels, perfect geometry of composition and colorful characters: Wes Anderson’s films are recognizable among thousands, whether or not Bill Murray, Owen Wilson or Tilda Swinton, his favorite actors, are involved.

The Texas director’s obsession with symmetry has resulted in some of cinema’s most symmetrical scenes and his films are true works of art in which no detail is left to chance. As for their eccentric heroes, they have incredible styles and outfits.

Wes Anderson is also known for his ability to take risks. He’s not afraid to experiment with new techniques to get the effect he’s looking for, as evidenced by his camera movements (he uses stills to follow characters running or walking) and his use of zooms in his early films (usually loathed in cinema) which he only seems to work in. the home.

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Let’s also remember the importance of the soundtrack. There is no doubt that watching Anderson’s film means being immersed in the wild, overflowing imagination of a creative genius, and music is an integral part of that experience. It is not difficult to understand the relationship between the influence of sound and music on what we watch, but few directors do so with such sensitivity and mastery.

Here is a list of the best Wes Anderson movies:

French Dispatch (2021)

Throw: Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, Lea Seydoux, Benicio Del Toro, Timothée Chalamet, Adrien Brody, among others.

Funny anecdote: This is Wes Anderson’s ninth collaboration with Bill Murray, eighth with Owen Wilson and seventh with Jason Schwartzman.

Where do you see it? : on Disney+.

The film is a love letter to the press, and in particular to… The New Yorker. Contains a collection of stories from the latest issue of an American magazine set in the fictional town of Enne-sur-Place, France.

Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

ejaculate : Ralph Fiennes, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Tilda Swinton, Saoirse Ronan, Bill Murray, Lea Seydoux, among others.

Funny story : All the newspapers we see on screen contain articles with detailed descriptions of events written by Wes Anderson himself.

Where to see it: on Disney+.

The film begins in a luxury mountain hotel, then moves to different locations when, after the death of a client, the manager is accused of murder and has to evade the police to prove his innocence.

Wonderful Mr. Fox (2009)

Throw: George Clooney, Mariel Streep, Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman, Owen Wilson.

Funny anecdote: Wes Anderson decided to record the voices of the actors on location to make the dialogue sound more natural. He had to adjust a scene to account for the sound of a passing plane during filming.

Where to see it: on Netflix and Disney+.

Filmed on hiatus, the film follows a family of foxes leading a peaceful life, until a father gives in to his instincts and endangers the entire animal community. He must then devise a plan to defeat three cultivators bent on destroying him.

On board Darjeeling Ltd (2007)

Throw: Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, and Anjelica Huston.

Funny anecdote: Jason Schwartzman’s character, Jack, does not wear shoes in the film, even in scenes where his feet are not shown.

Where to see it: on Disney+.

The film tells the story of three brothers who, after the death of their father, embark on a long train journey across India to strengthen their bond and, with a bit of luck, find their unseen mother. They haven’t seen her in years. .

aquatic life (2004)

Throw: Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Anjelica Huston, Cate Blanchett, Willem Dafoe and more.

Funny anecdote: The characters’ red berets are a reference to Commander Cousteau.

Where to see it: on Disney+.

Here Bill Murray plays a dying oceanographer who seeks revenge on the jaguar shark that devoured his partner, leading him to assemble a team including his ex-wife, alleged son, a journalist and a Brazilian singer who only covers Bowie in Portuguese. .

Sunrise Kingdom (2012)

Throw: Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, Edward Norton, Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward, among others.

Funny anecdote: This is Wes Anderson’s first movie without Owen Wilson.

Where to see it: on VOD and DVD.

Two children fall in love and decide to escape their New England town to live freely, prompting the deployment of a local search party, made up of their families and friends, to find them.

Tenenbaum family (2001)

Throw: Gene Hackman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Anjelica Huston, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, Luke Wilson.

Funny anecdote: Throughout the film, the characters are seen reading books written by their loved ones.

Where to see it: on Disney+.

It is the story of three gifted and eccentric children who reluctantly find themselves reunited in their childhood home after their father feigns death, causing them to relive past traumas and the moments that marked them.

Isle of Dogs (2018)

Throw: Bryan Cranston, Tilda Swinton, George Clooney, Edward Norton, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray, Greta Gerwig, Frances McDormand.

Funny anecdote: The film was influenced by the work of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa and the stop-motion Christmas specials of American production company Rankin/Bass.

Where to see it: on Disney+.

The film is set in an alternate, dystopian version of Japan where dogs are banned and sent to a secluded island. Then a boy decides to leave by plane in search of his missing dog.

The article was originally published on GQ Mexico.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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