Quetzal group in concert in Rondaville

Quetzal group in concert in Rondaville

Quetzal will perform the instrumental ensemble Saturday 26th August, from 9.30 pm, at the La Rondavelle snack bar located in the Leisure Centre, on the edge of Rance. Quetzal is the name of a bird that is considered one of the most beautiful birds on Earth. Lives in South America.

In all of our songs, we composed our music from a global view of the world, Featuring Christian Laure, composer and guitarist. I chose the name Quetzal for the band. All tracks are titled to a different bird. “Quetzal is a progressive rock band, from San Africa, that only plays original tracks. There are four of them: Dennis Lovell on drums, Florian Candao on keyboard, Daniel Borrego on bass, and Christian Laure on guitar.”Our music is a mix of rock with the right tracks and classical music, Comments on the latter. It’s rocky, but very smooth, with very quiet fairways. There is a lot of comfort. In our music, there are influences from Genesis, Ange and King Crimson. Our group lasts about two hours.

The band has just recorded an album that will be released soon. He will also sign with a record label.

Free concert.

Medi Liber correspondent: 06 81 01 25 92

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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