Portuguese dessert recipe: pastel de nata

Portuguese dessert recipe: pastel de nata

For 12 pieces

to prepare: 30 minutes
to cook: 20 minutes


  • 1 rectangular puff pastry with pure butter
  • 1 whole egg + 5 yolks
  • 200 grams of fine sugar
  • 35 grams of flour
  • 30 centiliters of milk
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

to prepare:

Bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan with the split and broken vanilla pod and finely grated lemon peel. Leave it to soak for 15 minutes, then filter.

In a salad bowl, beat the whole egg and yolk with the sugar until the mixture turns white. Add flour. Gradually pour in the hot milk while whisking. Pour everything back into the pot and thicken over low heat, stirring.

Preheat the oven to 210 degrees. Roll the dough over on itself to form a sausage, then cut it into strips. Place a piece of dough in each pastel pan (a muffin pan also works), then spread it out with your fingertips. Prick the bottoms with a fork. Spread the cream.

Place in the oven and cook for 10 to 12 minutes, until the pastilles are golden brown.

Allow to cool before unwrapping and enjoying.

Good appetite!

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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