regional 1
Cher’s sole representative in Regional 1, FC Saint-Dolchard is promoted to this level.
regional 2
All three Cher squads will play in Group A of the R2 Championship: Vierzon FC Reserve, ES Trouy and Moulon Reserve.
governedOnal 3
The eight teams from Cher are grouped in pools A and B. In pool A, the Portuguese from Bourges
They will meet AS Saint-Amand, AS Saint-Germain-du-Puy and Vierzon FC. In B, the derbies will face Cher Fussy / Saint-Martin / Vignoux, Bourges Gazélec, the Portuguese from Mehun-sur-Yèvre and FC Val de Loire.
The Bourges Portuguese can, between now and the resumption of the tournament, finally find themselves in Zone 2. Actions are underway on top-level teams and certain R2 formations cannot start again at this level, which can benefit in The Berruyers.