Two billion modified mosquitoes will be released to fight disease

Two billion modified mosquitoes will be released to fight disease

They are an army of two billion people who will be set free. The US company, Oxite, has obtained permission to release genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild to fight diseases transmitted by this insect. ” These are male mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti, which carry dengue fever, Zika virus infection, or even chikungunya. They respond to the codename OX5034. Transgenic tiger mosquitoes will be propagated in nature with the role of breeding with females. If they succeed in their task, then the larvae from mating will not be viable. The tiger mosquito will not reach adulthood because it lacks the necessary proteins. Even if all the young mosquitoes are affected, the females are the target, because they are the ones who sting. » Reports 20 minutes .

Before this very important process, large-scale tests were carried out. ” In May 2021, Oxitec released 12,000 genetically modified mosquito eggs in Florida. This had the effect of rapidly reducing the population, without noticeable effects on the environment. The advantage is that humans no longer use pesticides that have effects on other species such as bees, our colleagues point out. On the other hand, the mosquito population is reduced but not eliminated. Leave food for birds and other bats Connect for free daily.

The authorization was issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency, which considered that the process would not have adverse consequences for biodiversity. Results will be closely monitored to assess success. And in case of satisfactory return, this process can be used in particular to combat the scourge of malaria. According to United Nations figures, this disease has caused the deaths of more than 600,000 people in 2020 globally.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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