Your musical taste reveals your personality

It is often said that our taste in music tells us a lot about who we are. It seems that this old saying has now been scientifically proven! A recent…

Is ginger an aphrodisiac?

The idea is attractive but it belongs in a legend. In fact, no serious scientific study has proven the validity of this received idea so far. But ginger (kind of…

3 moon asteroid | Science Press Agency

If there is one, then there must be others. Already speculated by astronomers. After all, the asteroid in question, electra, or “(130) Electra”, has been known since 1873, and the…

Music is a universal language, and science says so!

(ETX Daily Up) It is often said that our taste in music tells a lot about who we are. This appears to be the case, according to the results of…

Reusable plastic bottles release potentially harmful substances

primary The bottles used were reusable bottles made of plastic. Using a dishwasher increases the number of residues in the water. Researchers do not know whether these substances are harmful…

HIV / A new, more dangerous strain of the virus has appeared in Europe

According to scientists, the fight against HIV could take another turn with the emergence of a new strain. A new strain of HIV is said to be “super mutated” that…

Lassa fever, whose symptoms are similar to Ebola, causes one patient to die in England

the virus subordinate Fever From Lassa, it is often compared to a virus Ebola to symptoms Similar to what causes it, it was first identified in England since 2009. The…

une mère chimpanzé observée en train de soigner les blessures de son fils avec des insectes

«Bêtes de science», c’est comme un recueil d’histoires. De belles histoires qui racontent le vivant dans toute sa fraîcheur. Mais também dan toute to complexité. Une parênteses pour s’émerveiller des…

Regime hipocalórico hebdomadaire : le menu à suivre

Par un regime hipocalórico hebdomadairenous entendens un Controle de regime qui nous fait perdre du poids car il fournit une nutrition avec um certo número de calorias, moins que células…

Uma dieta de frutas vermelhas e vinho retarda a doença

primário Na França, a doença de Parkinson é a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais comum, afetando entre 100.000 e 120.000 pessoas. Em média, esta doença começa entre as idades de 55…