As Portugal is hit hard by an unprecedented series of fires (at least 7 dead), the Lusitanian community of Dijon is mobilizing. European Union Portuguese Luso known by the acronym Ulfe, has just launched a call for donations on its social networks. The association is collecting essential products that will be delivered to Portugal by the end of the week.
“There are people from our association whose families were badly damaged at the site,” explains Sonia Simoes, the association’s football secretary. “Some people were evacuated from their homes, others saw their homes burn. It’s really terrible.”
“Given the extent of the damage, we told ourselves that we had to do something to help the poor and the firefighters who were fighting on the site. We had the idea of launching this solidarity group and people responded to it. There is a strong Portuguese community in Dijon, always ready to mobilize when needed. We are also in contact with associations in Beaune, Chalon-sur-Saône, Diguin…” adds Jérémie Autor, the club’s coach.
Deposit is made at the Association's headquarters, Stalingrad Street.
The products requested by the Ulfe Association are the following: clothing, medical equipment (compresses, biafine, serum, etc.), food products. Two trucks will leave this weekend to transport the donations to Portugal, more specifically to the Aveiro region particularly affected by the fires as well as the city of Gondomar. The first vehicle will leave on Friday, September 20 and the second on Sunday evening.
Donations are delivered to the Ulfe Association headquarters, 40 Stalingradskaya Street, daily from 3pm to 8pm.
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