Neo4j graph data science is available on Google Cloud as AuraDS –

Neo4j graph data science is available on Google Cloud as AuraDS –

Neo4j AuraDS is a fully managed data science as a service solution for data scientists, based on Graph Data Science. It allows building predictive models and analytical workflows. The platform is enriched with new functionality and becomes fully managed as a service, available on Google Cloud. The Neo4j graphing platform includes the native Neo4j graphing database, graph analysis, graph visualization, and Cypher graphing query language.

Neo4j AuraDS is a fully managed service that offers more than 65 graphing algorithms in a single workspace for rapid experimentation. With built-in Machine Learning (In-Graph ML) models and the native Python language, this connected data analysis platform unites machine learning (ML) and the graph database into a single workspace, making it easy to discover connections in data.

Available on Google Cloud

Data scientists can analyze relationships using a library of predefined algorithms, data preparation techniques, and native graph ML to improve models and predictions. It measures hundreds of billions of nodes and relationships and integrates them with existing data science tools and workflows to ensure a rapid transition from proof of concept to production.

Neo4j AuraDS is available in preview on Google Cloud, including with the use of existing Google Cloud balances or with a credit card. AuraDS users benefit from the main functionality of Graph Data Science, but also the drag-and-drop user interface for modeling and importing data into a graph, system scalability with access to high-performance hardware resources as needed, and process automation through workload monitoring, debugging, Backup is done in the background without user interaction.

The platform also provides MLPS support for backing up, publishing, and restoring models without interruption during reboots. This is in addition to snapshot backups that save embedded instances, models, and graphs with a single click.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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