Intermittent fasting benefits

Intermittent fasting benefits

Every Monday, Série Limitée gives the floor to a well-being expert. This week, Naturopathic therapist Emily Caps explains how to detoxify your body on a daily basis.

Intermittent fasting, also known as “fasting” or “sequential fasting”, has been on the rise recently. This new alternative to monodite or small water is finding new followers. Less “violent” to the body than true fasting, less restrictive than mono-fasting, requires no preparation and is compatible with any social life.

Intermittent fasting consists of not eating anything for several hours (between 12 and 16 hours). Only water and injections (as desired) are allowed. During this time, the digestive system should not be begged for by the supply of nutrients. So we will avoid all stimulants like coffee, black tea and other drinks. Concretely, it’s a matter of skipping a meal. For example, not eating breakfast and waiting until lunch to eat again. So the last meal eaten will be the previous day’s dinner. During these fasting hours, it is essential to ensure that you are well hydrated.

Thanks to intermittent fasting, energy not intended for digestion will be available for other organic functions. It can be part of a detox. However, this practice is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, sick, tired and/or deficient. It is also not recommended for people with eating disorders.

The five benefits of intermittent fasting

Emily Capps

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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