2022 drought | Science Press Agency

2022 drought |  Science Press Agency

Global warming was in fact 5 times more likely to occur than observed soil drying, and up to 20 times what is known as root soil drying. According to 21 researchers Of the six countries compiled by the World Weather Referral Alliance (WWA), a very dry summer Europe has experienced, the worst in decades, will be 3-4 times more likely to occur on this continent, in the new climatic conditions where the planet is now .

WWA is a consortium that specializes in researching the links between extreme weather events and climate change. We also owe him, earlier this year, a report on the role of a changing climate In heavy rain in Brazil and in catastrophic floods in pakistan. This time the authors focused on the greater part of the Northern Hemisphere, excluding the tropics, with particular attention to Europe.

They also used soil condition as a measure of aridity, rather than – like other researchers – stream levels or precipitation amounts. Since this procedure is necessary for the growth of plants and the survival of part of the native fauna, soil moisture that is too low is sometimes called “environmental dehydration”.

It must already be remembered that it exceeds the effects of it heat waves On people’s health, these weather conditions It also had, among other influences,significant agricultural losses, threats to aquatic life, water scarcity And more fires. In addition to an increase in the grocery bill, a decrease in hydroelectric production and a decrease in river trade.

Des étés avec une « humidité du sol de surface très basse » comme cette année, sont voués à se reproduire une fois par 20 ans au rythme où la planète se réchauffe (ou bien, dit autrement, seduire de ils ont 20 every year). Instead of once every 400 years.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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